Testimonials and recognitions

Amora Shams students are all over the world, she has been teaching BellyDance since 1993, so she has a big influence in BellyDance Community, followed by many dancers, teachers and fans, who consider her one of the top BellyDance instructors in the World which teaches the Traditional Style that nowadays is difficult to find. 

Here you can find the feedbacks that Amora Shams has collected from her students, since she started to get them by written, on year 2004 when she was teaching in London, UK.

Written Feedbacks by students who studied  face-to-face BellyDance Lessons with Amora Shams

Audio Feedbacks in Other Languages

Feedback in Spanish by BBDC private student

Feedback in Spanish by 10h private student

Feedback in Spanish by a student who join group regular weekly classes, workshops of the BBDC & 10h private intensive weekend

Feedback in Japanese by a BBDC private student

Feedback in Arabic by 20h private student

Feedback in Chinese by a BBDC private student

Written Feedbacks by students who studied  face-to-face the BBDC Become a BellyDancer Course

Audio and Video Feedbacks from BBDC Students


She studied the BGBDC in Marbella, Spain &​ travelled Egypt with Amora Shams while learning the course on 2019


She studied the BBDC on 2018 travelling Egypt​ with Amora Shams


She studied up to Intermediate Level of the BBDC on 2018 in Egypt​


She studied the BBDC on 2012 in Cairo, Egypt


She studied the BBDC on 2012 in Cairo, Egypt

Her feedback

"We were a group of 3 girls from Malta, studying the 72 hour Bellydance course with Amora Shams in March 2012. I must say it is very intensive, and requires a lot of hard work and practice. But what we learned is for life and no other teacher has thought us. You learn to listen and feel the music and as Amora always say 'soft and sweet'. It might have been hard, three weeks studying morning and night. Amora spent hours and hours with us day after day. We laughed, we cried when we couldn't get things right, but we learned so much. What we learned we practiced back home. It was a transformation from bellydancers to professional teaching level. Thank you Amora"


She studied the BBDC on 2011 in Cairo, Egypt

Her feedback

"I was trained in Belly Dance by Amora in Egypt. I can say that Amora's Belly Dance training is amazing and beneficial for any aspiring or professional dancers wishing to better their dance ability because Amora teaches you how TO BE THE BEST. During her training she told us 'Learn from the best and work with the best' and this perspective really reflects in her training'. This is definitely a course I would recommend for any dancer because you will definitely finish the course a more improved and confident dancer. Amora gives 100% to her students during the training and really cares about them learning oriental dance. Training with Amora has been my best and most beneficial dance experience."


She studied the BBDC on 2011 in Cairo, Egypt. Few months after she won her first BellyDance Competition, now she is a famous dancer and teacher in Egypt and UK.

Her feedback

"I enjoyed the Amora Shams course which I took in Egypt. It was a fantastic all-round experience which not only included dance classes but also trips to costume shops, the sights of Cairo and Giza, tannora shows and classes, having your business cards designed and visits to see belly dancers performances. The intensive month has something to offer to all dancers no matter their level. I will defiantly want to study with Amora in the future. She has a vast knowledge of the art which she doesn't hold back on sharing with you."

The two BBDC'2011 students, Zara and Azin, made a duo known as Zazeen, performing in UK & Internationally

Audio Feedbacks in English

English Feedback by BBDC private student

English Feedback by 20h private Egyptian student

English Feedback by BBDC private student

English Feedbacks by BGBDC private students:

Audio Feedbacks in Other Languages

Feedback in Spanish by BBDC private student

Feedback in Spanish by 10h private student

Feedback in Spanish by a student who join group regular weekly classes, workshops of the BBDC & 10h private intensive weekend

Feedback in Japanese by a BBDC private student

Feedback in Arabic by 20h private student

Feedback in Chinese by a BBDC private student


Feedbacks by students who studied BellyDance Online 

with Amora Shams


Feedback in Japanese by a BBDC private student

Feedback Online Course Private Student Testimonial  from Egypt sent to Amora on January 2022

Feedback in Chinese by a BBDC private student




As for some people do not belive that the BBDC is possible, students of Amora or people who wants to study with her, makes her own investigations to find out if actually Prof. Amora Shams says who she is, all the dancing experience she has and also that is true that her hard working students (not the lazy ones) they actually achieve the Professional Level in just 20 days after arriving to the Course as Absolute Beginners! Of course, not all the dance teachers teach in the same way, and Professor Amora Shams is one of the few teachers in the World which will make you become a stage dancer straight after the course. Here you can read an email the a famous dancer and teacher known in Egypt, wrote to an Amora's student

Amora has been interviewed several times in her career by local and international radios, tv, and newspapers, here the link by USA Today when Amora was interviewed on 2014 while she was in Cairo, Egypt, after more than 1 hour interview, they only used these few frases, because wasn't about her but about the reputation of been a BellyDancer in Egypt: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2014/08/27/egypt-belly-dancing/14437739/



Contact Amora Shams

Contact for dancing at a wedding or a respectful event:


Contact for teaching or creating a unique choreography for you:


Contact directly  by sending a private message to instagram:


Visitors since 22//10/2023

Visitors since 14/0sc5/2023

Únete al programa intensivo en grupo reducido – Solo 3 alumnos El curso en línea se imparte en un programa de un año, 3 meses por nivel Cada nivel consta de 6 lecciones de 3 horas cada una Hay un día en que los alumnos reciben 2 lecciones de 3 horas cada una. Así, en 3 días repartidos en 3 meses, se imparte el Nivel completo en un total de 15 horas de docencia y 3 horas de repaso y exámenes. Para la Certificación Internacional y el rápido desarrollo de los estudiantes, es necesario hacer todas las tareas escritas y prácticas, y enviarlas al maestro tan pronto como se haya “templado para tenerlas” listas para la próxima lección. Al finalizar el nivel se realizará un examen escrito y práctico para quienes deseen certificarse. Los alumnos del grupo tienen su lección impartida un domingo del mes, dependiendo del nivel que haya reservado el alumno: – Nivel 1 (1er domingo del mes). – Nivel 2 (2º domingo del mes). – Nivel 3 (3er domingo del mes). – Nivel profesional (4º domingo del mes). calendario Un domingo al mes de 10 a 13 horas y de 14 a 17 horas, hora de Londres, Reino Unido. costos El pago es trimestral para el nivel, por lo que solo pagas una vez cada 3 meses. El precio del nivel es de 1500 euros dividido por el número de alumnos. Grupo reducido de 3 alumnos deberá realizar el pago de 500 euros por alumno para crear el grupo. O trae tu grupo de 6 alumnos a pagarte 250 euros por alumno. ¿Cuándo comenzará el programa del curso? Cuando termine el grupo de clase de 3 alumnas Consulte para obtener más información a través del correo electrónico BecomeBellyDancer@hotmail.com Visite el sitio web de la escuela para obtener más información sobre el maestro y lo que capacitan a las alumnas del curso www .BecomeBellyDancer.com Descargue el póster para leer claramente con zoom
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Nouvelle année, nouveaux plans … Rejoignez le programme intensif en groupe réduit – Seulement 3 étudiants Le cours en ligne est enseigné dans un programme d’un an, 3 mois par niveau Chaque niveau comprend 6 leçons de 3 heures chacune Une fois par mois, il y a un jour où les étudiants reçoivent 2 leçons de 3 heures chacune. Ainsi, en 3 jours étalés en 3 mois est enseigné le Niveau complet en un total de 15 heures d’enseignement et 3 heures de révision et d’examens. Pour la Certification Internationale et un développement rapide de l’étudiant, il est nécessaire de faire tous les devoirs écrits et pratiques, et de les déposer à l’enseignant dès que vous les avez faits, afin qu’elle ait le temps de les corriger pour la prochaine leçon. Un examen écrit et pratique aura lieu en fin de niveau pour ceux qui désirent une certification. Les étudiants du groupe ont leur cours enseigné un dimanche du mois, en fonction du niveau pour lequel l’étudiant a réservé : – Niveau 1 (1er dimanche du mois). – Niveau 2 (2e dimanche du mois). – Niveau 3 (3e dimanche du mois). – Niveau professionnel (4ème dimanche du mois).  Calendrier. Un dimanche par mois de 10h à 13h et de 14h à 17h, heure de Londres, Royaume-Uni. Frais. Le paiement est trimestriel pour le niveau, vous ne payez donc qu’une seule fois tous les 3 mois. Les frais de niveau sont de 1500 euros divisés par le nombre d’étudiants. Groupe réduit de 3 étudiants doivent effectuer le paiement de 500 euros par étudiant pour créer le groupe. Ou amenez votre groupe de 6 étudiants pour vous payer 250 euros par étudiant. Quand commencera le programme de cours? Lorsque le groupe de cours de 3 étudiantes est terminé Vérifiez plus d’informations par e-mail BecomeBellyDancer@hotmail.com Visitez le site Web de l’école pour en savoir plus sur l’enseignant et ce que les étudiants disent du cours de formation www.BecomeBellyDancer.com Téléchargez l’affiche pour la lire clairement avec zoom