Discover why BellyDance has changed dramatically since beginning of Century

BellyDance bra

Since about 15 years ago started in Egypt the fashion to use tops which are showing a lot more that what is needed of a BellyDancer.

“The main difference between been a respected BellyDancer and not been respected.”

Has been very dramatically for me to see how BellyDance has been converted and worldwide exposed into a sexy form of dance (that Arab women use to do ONLY privately for their husbands so therefore dressing very sexy), and those who are truly Professional High Quality BellyDancers who dress with a decent bra, showing very little to the world are left into a side. A true BellyDancer is the one who performs from the heart, and never from the body.
Amora Shams

Since entrance of century XXI, everything changed in Egypt for BellyDancers

On XX century to be a Star BellyDancer in Egypt respected by Egyptians, you had to not only dance elegant, have your own dancing style, not do indecent moves facing public, but also you had to dress decent as you can see on photos.

Since entrance of century XXI, everything changed.

Russian women started to come to Egypt and took over the Egyptian BellyDancers stage without been trained to perform BellyDance style.

The Russian women started to perform publicly in a very sexy way, the style that Arab women will only perform at their private home to their husband dressed very sexy costumes. 

This created a very unfair situation for Egyptian and Foreigner high quality BellyDance performers, arriving to a point that most famous Egyptian BellyDancers claimed to the Government in Egypt, and the Egyptian Government banned all foreigner BellyDancers to perform in Egypt.

Two years after, a group of foreigner BellyDancers, the high quality ones, gather together and made a claim to the Government, then an agreement was achieved for foreigner BellyDancers under certain conditions:

1/ Get a One Year contract by a place who had license for show

2/ Pay a monthly fee of 2000 EGP (about 250 euros on 2008) as main taxes plus commissions.

3/ Be clean from AIDS and other health illnesses  that could be transmitted sexually. 

4/ Had to be a High Quality BellyDancer by supervision of the Artist Inspector.

5/ Get the BellyDancer License from the Artists Syndicate, leaving your Passport under the control of the Police main Government. 

6/ Dress with decent costumes, not showing too much, using shabaka for the belly, using shorts for the legs, etc.

When everything was looking as if it was fixed, then created another unfair situation for the foreigners.

To get a One Year Contract as a Foreigner BellyDancer in Egypt, wasn’t easy.

All foreigner BellyDancers want to perform in Egypt, so Egyptians play with those who want to get their license:

A/ Some are so desperate that they accept their indecent propositions from their Artist Agent or anyone related to the field that promise them that will help them, that at the end they find out that they did what the man wanted them to do, that they didn’t want to do, but even so they didn’t get what they wanted, and now those are seen as a prostitute for that action.

B/ Some other were offered to buy paying on year 2008 about 5000 EGP (about 700 euros on those moments) to get the One Year Contract, due that to get it from a hotel, boat, or restaurant will not work, as these places always ask for the BellyDance License before making a Contract. 

So many foreigner BellyDancers end up paying to have the One Year Contract to get the License, but at the end is a problem, because the Contracts that allow to be bought are low class hotels with bad reputation.

At the end, as they give you a BellyDance License, leaving in exchange the foreigner passport in the Police Mogama Government Department, the dancers end up showing to every single person their License as a prove of ID, and many places inclusive at Weddings, do not accept the performers who have their Licenses with a low class place.

C/ Therefore many foreigner BellyDancers started to do since all these problems are happening, is that they perform illegally in Egypt.

So many foreigner BellyDancers have been appearing in Egyptian movies, TV programs and video-clips, but are risking to get into prison or pay a fee of 20.000 euros for this, because is illegal to perform publicly in Egypt without a BellyDance License, even if you are an Egyptian or you are a Foreigner.

All this has created a fashion to dance sexy, showing a lot, due to the insecurity of performing in Egypt without a license, so those who perform many are showing a lot to show off that they are performing in Egypt. And if they come on the news, even better, because they get more famous.

This is a shame, because is leaving in a side, to those foreigner BellyDancers who are so decent, that want to do everything legal and could be performing in a respectful way in Egypt, instead the Egyptian Population is now mainly male public (not like before who were also women and families) are very happy with the fashion of Sexy BellyDancers, that many do not respect even themselves, dressing with very relieving costumes and making sometimes too sexy provocative movements which to lovers of the Golden Era BellyDancers makes us feel depress watching those videos.

Become the change, become a Golden BellyDancer to change the world and the image of BellyDancers grow back again to what they use to be, study the BGBDC “Become a Golden BellyDancer Course” created by Prof. Amora Shams.

Golden BellyDancers

Web designer, Graphic Designer & Interior Architect.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Nadya Noura

    The author unfairly blames foreigners for everything and forgets the real origin of the decline of class and the rise of sexuality: Dina

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